Kelvin Remedies

Kelvizyme Tablet

Kelvizyme Tablet

Uses of Kelvizyme Tablet:

Pancreatic enzyme deficiency

Product Introduction:

Kelvizyme 192mg/25mg/40mg Tablet is a combination medicine used in the treatment of pancreatic enzyme deficiency. It helps treat indigestion, disintegrates gas bubbles and allows easy passage of gas.

Kelvizyme 192mg/25mg/40mg Tablet is taken with or without food in a dose and duration as advised by the doctor. The dose you are given will depend on your condition and how you respond to the medicine. You should keep taking this medicine for as long as your doctor recommends. If you stop treatment too early your symptoms may come back and your condition may worsen. Let your healthcare team know about all other medications you are taking as some may affect, or be affected by this medicine.

Before taking this medicine, you should tell your doctor if you are pregnant, planning pregnancy or breastfeeding. You should tell your doctor if you have any kidney or liver diseases so that your doctor can prescribe a suitable dose for you.

Benefits of Kelvizyme Tablet:

In Pancreatic enzyme deficiency
Pancreatic enzyme deficiency causes indigestion and you may also have other symptoms such as stomach pain, bloating, feeling full etc. Kelvizyme 192mg/25mg/40mg Tablet helps in proper digestion of food and relieves these symptoms. Take Kelvizyme 192mg/25mg/40mg Tablet as prescribed by the doctor. Think about what foods trigger indigestion and try to avoid them; eat smaller, more frequent meals; try to lose weight if you are overweight and try to find ways to relax. Do not eat within 3-4 hours of going to bed.